Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tale of Two Cities
One of the most famous quotes in the whole novel is also one of the most famous quotes opening a novel "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom,
it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of
incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was
the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us,
we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going
direct the other way . . ."
I chose this quote because of Dickens style of writing and the descriptive and the contrasting of exact opposite things and create a fluency like no other author. Dickens uses anaphora to describe the struggle between the good and the evil, the light and the darkness, and the struggle of balance and the struggle to keep that balance.
It also gives a hint into the novel of what it will focus on. It sets up the reader to be prepared to read a story about the fight of good and evil and power.
I thought this novel, well worth its credibility and the title of a classic, was written in an extremely proper and precise way. The descriptive language created vivid images and left no setting unseen. On the other hand, with such descriptive style, it is hard to follow along with the story and follow which character is which. I felt it was also a lot harder getting into the novel than most. Near the middle it was easier to understand it, but I was still unclear on a lot of events happening.
So, all in all, this was not one of my favorite novels, but I was satisfied in reading it because I believe we all should read this book because of how famous it is and all the references there are to this novel.
Cat's Cradle
His message was to warn people about how far they can take technology, and possibly there is a reason why we have the few elements we have and we should keep it that way. We went far enough with the atomic bomb which, during the authors time was the most dangerous weapon, but now there are new forms of weapons such as gases and biological weapons.
The quote I chose was on page 171 during the ambassador's speech.
"...Think of people.
"And children murdered in war...
"And any country at all.
"Think of peace.
"Think of brotherly love.
"Think of plenty.
"Think of what paradise this world would be if men were kind and wise."
I thought this quote was important because it expresses the characters views as well as my own. Vonnegut wrote such a powerful message using a very small variety of words. It is almost like a poem using repetition and using a meaning of peace and the wanting of peace on earth and sorrow for everyone, in every country, because everybody dies a little with every war. We are all people, whether it is your country losing people, or your enemies, some one's child or children are being murdered.
I thought this novel was interesting in a very good way. At first I had no clue what was going on and did not understand what the plot was suppose to be up until the last few chapters, but once I understood, the rest of the novel clicked together and it all made sense and it was excellent! Vonnegut's ironic style made me laugh at parts and then right away would make me think about something and have me thinking about it even after I put the book down. I also liked the religion or following he created because it puts a realistic view on religion. Bokononism has a little of something everybody wonders about or believes in. As a whole, this is one of the best books we have read in class so far.